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HER KOMMER DEN DANSKE VERSION AF HJEMMESIDEN NÅR VI HÅR DEN BYGGET FÆRDIG:)  Benyt gerne kontaktformularen nederst på siden. 

In order to make something great, you need a drive. Something that define every decision along the way.

That thing that prevents you from choosing the easy way, but keeps you focused on the result.

We strive to maintain a high level of service and quality while balancing design, function and durability.


We are fortunate to be working with some very passioned people and some of the best brands from around the world. 

We count us self e to be working with some very passioned people that strive to design and build the dream for families everyday. Ten years ago we started working with CPHWOOD and what a journey they have been on. Today a big part of our business are working alongside them, on project where families rely on the us to build the home they have dreamed of.

In the north we have close and trusted friends in Medina Interior where they seek out and import some of the most beautiful interior designs rangeing from luxurious baths, bidet and toilets to faucets, taps and fixtures.

We are fortunate to be working with some  of the best brands from around the world.

The old danish saying "ingen nævnt, ingen glemt" applies when you do not wish to mention someone importent by name with the risk of forgetting others that are also importent. Or maybe even worse, it may look like you rank somebody higher the others. We apologise in advance if that is the case here.

Some of the top brands that we especially enjoy to work with are:

Bellosta and Sbordoni from Italy - TONI and VOLA from Denmark - Imperial from Great Britain

Some of our best work are hidden

Does that makes us sad? Yes, but we acknowledge that not all enjoys looking at heaters and pipes as much as we do. And it do bring us much joy to be a part of securing comfort and warmth while the beauty of wooden floor is all that meets the eye.